Designing a Random Access Memory (RAM) Module
Product photography:
Brian Chan
3D Renderings:
Eduardo Diaz
Art Direction:
Manny Hidalgo, Marion Strupp, and Kaitlin Sandoval
Product Design
Visual Design
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Project Brief & Design Thinking
Project Brief
DDR4, or "double data rate fourth generation" memory, powers gaming and computing systems. The design team was tasked with creating a Special Edition to refresh the DDR4 module, aiming to boost sales across the company’s gaming line.
Market Research
As the PlayStation 5 launched as the first white gaming console, and all-white computer builds gained popularity among PC enthusiasts, I designed a white module to capitalize on the trend, create buzz, and drive traffic to the website and related products.
Design Thinking
I envisioned a white module, departing from Kingston's black designs with intricate patterns. Inspired by Zaha Hadid's minimalist curves, I aimed to convey serene swiftness, reflecting the product's speed and performance.
Exploratory Sketches
Option 2 was chosen as the final design.
Final Assets for Web & Social
I designed two responsive web assets that seamlessly complemented the product photography, using light organic shapes to enhance the module's sleek lines. Additionally, I handled photo retouching to ensure polished final images for the webpage.